Tuesday 14 December 2010

Target audience profile.

The target audience of the film campaign is young adults to twenties in an age range. This is a perfect age range for out film as the film would have a certificate rating of 18 where the audience would have to me of a certain age to see it because of the violence in the film.

The audience are fans of horror, the horror genre has a huge fanbase that are most avid film-goers. This means that I can capitalize on this and try to achieve as much exposure to the film as possible, gaining fans and a following like other big horror films have.

Films like the friday the 13th franchise have a huge cult following that will go to see every other film that has him starring or related to it. This is the type of audience that we want to have and find as any sequels and merchandise to do with the film would have a ready audience and market for it.

The target audience would be Late teen to late twenties, a good educational background as they would need to have a bit of intelligence to understand the plot and story of the film. The little girls character could also attract parents as to see children in a different light as the films would be incredibly scary for them. The little girl aspect of our film also has a following as there are already many films and even videogames that are of the horror genre and have this aspect, examples of this are The Ring films, Orphan and the video-game F.E.A.R. This is a brilliant fanbase that has already been established, so all we need to do is appeal to them.

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