Tuesday 14 December 2010

Evaluation Q3

The film campaign was created a film campaign facebook page dedicated to it to give audiences information and regular updates about the film through a medium that they are already exposed to. Whenever the page is updated or something is posted on it, the post goes into their personal new feed where they can see it. Facebook is a very popular social networking site th

at has millions of active users. This was a wise move putting the film campaign on a page there so it can receive the fans it wants as you only have to search the name to find it, or it can be shared through viral messaging fast through statuses and news feed links.

The comments on the video are to give me a good perspective of an outside point of view of my film. Below are some of the comments that were posted on the film video.

Reda said that it would be a good idea to use echoes on the narrators voice which could have made the trailer seem more dramatic like current voice overs. This could be a possibility but it also could make the trailer seem "over-the-top" and add an element of parody comedy which would completely ruin the atmosphere.

The recurring problem with the comments and our film according to audience feedback is that our film trailer was bad quality and that it should have been filmed with a better camera or just uploaded or rendered in a better way. This is problem to do with witht eh filming or the rendering. fit was the filming we just needed to use a better quality camera with a higher pixel count. If it was the rendering, then we would have had to use a different file type to upload.

Both people that replied to my video were exactly what was described in my target audience. This is a success as my trailer is attracting the correct target audience.

Target Audience Profile

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