Tuesday 7 December 2010


I have learned a great deal about the film campaign industry and the technology used, this is because I had to use many different types of programs and software in my film but I also had to use the hardware, e.g. camcorders and digital cameras. I knew how to use the cameras and digital cameras in the hardware so I had no problems with using them. I did have a difficulty with doing the film editing, as I did not feel comfortable and have the experience with working with the iMovie. To counter balance this, we had a person in our team that used the software before. This is very useful because the person that had the experience assisted the group to the best of his ability to edit the film.

We used the programs Photoshop also, to edit the film poster and magazine cover. This is used for the technical part of the film production, the failure of the iMovie is that the part of the film trailer, the production detail was having problems being displayed properly, this was hard to overcome but in the end we had to switch to a new editing software in order to add the production detail to a better look and feel. I think that this was a good idea as the program used was very easy to use and pick up and helped us with the editing and overall final edit of the trailer.

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