Friday 17 December 2010

Evaluation Q2..

Our film campaign was very effective in the way that it reached our audience. We used many film distributions and ways to advertise our film, such as facebook and youtube. These sites allowed us to upload our trailer to them and distrubute them freely and fast among the internet.

Our trailer was aimed at an audience of 15+, this was a perfect age range as at this age you start to get interested in scary films and going out with friends to see them, this teamed with the facebook campaign saw the trailer and film take off as the viral campaign worked very well. We needed to find out mroe about our target audience so i decided to make a moodboard by asking my friends what they were interested in at this age, this was very useful as i had many people to draw information from.

We used Facebook to make a page about the film campaign which was to be used as a word-of-mouth style advertisement, this helped because of the nature of facebook as you can see what your friends are looking at and check them out for yourself developing a chain reaction. This is a very good way to access the films information as the page would have all the information and photos of shooting and the film poster and information about the actors. This was a very good way for me of distribution as my friends are avid facebook-ers so they naturally jumped on the opportunity to be apart of something like this from the comfort of thier own computer.


The trailer only had few shots of the protagonist, this created a sense of mystery and enigma between the audience as they did not have much of a taste of her, but wanted to find out more about the girl. The format that the film trailer was uploaded in had a comment function which allowed everyone to comment and discuss the trailer on the page and share thier thoughts and opinions on the trailer, this was intentional as we wanted the trailer to be controvertial in a way that people will talk about it and want to find out more.

Film Trailer

In the film poster, you need to have the main character plainly visible and eye catching, this allows the audience to see the girl and be drawn in to her. This is a very good way for the poster to be seen as it would stand out among other posters. All the colours in the film poster reflect the dark nature of this film, using the dark green i made the film poster look very evil. The way the font was styled made it look like it was splattered or painted with a loose brush, this gives it a bloody effect that was perfect for a our slasher-esque film trailer. The film poster drifts away sliughtly from the classic film posters of the past so we could appeal to our target audience by embracing the new types of horror films on nowadays.

Film Poster

A film magazine is a piece of text that is used to display the film in a way that would be appealing to an audience of many films. I believe our magazine achieves just that as it shows that it is a horror film but also, displays a film that is very modern and appealing to the audience. The location where the picture was taken was at the moment that she kills the man in the forest, this is because it was not clear to see her, or her face. Giving the woman a mysterious and scary atmosphere around her. The magazine also has all of the conventions that a normal magazine should have such as a title, tag-line, price and other articles in the film. the magazine also has behind the scenes shots that i took to give even more information on the film and really push it out.

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