Here I have taken some stills for my Magazine and Film Poster, I do not like how the final form of them how they look so i will make adjustments to how they look using adobe photoshop to make them more appealing and more fitting to our genre of horror.
I decided that the girl looks too small for the poster so I decided to edit her so she is much bigger in the picture, looking more menacing and also becoming more of an icon in the picture. Drawing your eye to her as she is so big.
After this, i decided that she was not looking supernatural enough to really portray the sub-genre of supernatural horror we were going for, so i decided to add a negative effect on this.

I think this is the effect that really fits what i wanted to do with the pictures.
i could have used a black and white negative effect to make it even better so i will do that now. to see how it will come out.
The black and white effect i have used on the negative picture is exactly what i wanted for the Film poster. the black and white looks very spooky and makes the audience look at her.
I shall use a different picture but with the same effects for the Magazine cover as i will need to edit the girl in a different place to fit the other aspects of a magazine into them.