Friday 10 September 2010

Prelim Task

This is our preliminary task where we created a short film around the simple brief of "The Meeting". We decided to do a short film about a meeting of friends that decide to go and play football. This was a simple and easy idea to carry out but we wanted it to be fast paced so the short film drew the audience in.

Some good points about the Film are as follows:
  • How we matched the shots to be very fluid and consistent with the film. E.g. when we were taking the football shot the kicks and the ball hitting the goal were perfectly matched up.
  • We also made it have a fair amount of comedy in it. This drew the audience in as we seemed like a group of friends just having fun so the audience could connect with that and make a relation to it.
If i was to improve this piece of work i would have;
  • Created a more set script so the narrative was clear and precise.
  • Made the film slightly longer. The film does not describe why the boys are where they are or how they got there. The film does also not explain the reasons of the confrontation.

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