Wednesday 15 September 2010


The concepts of the current film our film would be a horror film. In our group work we decided to do a brainstorm or mind-map type style to put our thoughts on. This is a photograph of what we wrote. We looked at many types of horror films and compared their aspects. We concluded that there was a very fixed formula for horror films as they usually contain some sort of weapon or device used for hurting / murdering people. In Nightmare on Elm Street it is Freddy Krueger's clawed glove, which is a very scary and brutal weapon. In other films it is simple mind torture like in The Ring, Samara only uses her mind to kill people and drain their life. We also showed that the horror usually stars male antagonists such as Freddy Krueger (Nightmare on Elm Street), Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th) or Michael Myers (Halloween). They are all strong, scary and very intimidating characters, This is a main part of having a male antagonist as there is usually a female protagonist so they seem to be weaker and an underdog in the fight. Other films challenge this stereotype of the male being the antagonist, such as The Ring. In The Ring, the antagonist is a girl called Samara who is portrayed through most of the film as a little girl but when she actually attacks during the film she is a very scary force. This switches the audience to the unfamiliar as they are used to male protagonists.

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