Wednesday 15 September 2010

Analyzing a trailer

The Expendables

We are told the name of the film near the end of the trailer and the most climatic part of the trailer, this gives the audience a lasting memory of the name of the film.
We are told who is starring in the film because this film has a huger cast of big action movies stars like Sylvester Stallone and Jason Statham. This given to us in huge writing bursting into the screen in white on a black background for the most impacting effect. this is going with the genre of the film being a very violent and flamboyant
action film. The reason we are told who is starring int he film is because of the very large cast of massive movies stars. This would bring all the fans from each of them to see this film and also attract action movie fans as it boasts that cast.

We see a large amount of explosions and gunfights in the film so we will be seeing a large amount of gunfights, fires and explosions. This is the ground basis for a good action film, this screengrab clearly sums up most of the action in the film.
This screen grab contains the military vehicle and the rolling soldiers, on the background of the huge explosion. This is just eye candy for the audience to draw them in and give them a taste of spectacular shots like this for the film.
The soundtrack of the film is by a wellknown band of the rock genre called Shinedown. They would bring thier respected fans to watch this film. As well having thier own fanbase, the bands music would suit the films action nature perfectly with the hard rock of their music.


The concepts of the current film our film would be a horror film. In our group work we decided to do a brainstorm or mind-map type style to put our thoughts on. This is a photograph of what we wrote. We looked at many types of horror films and compared their aspects. We concluded that there was a very fixed formula for horror films as they usually contain some sort of weapon or device used for hurting / murdering people. In Nightmare on Elm Street it is Freddy Krueger's clawed glove, which is a very scary and brutal weapon. In other films it is simple mind torture like in The Ring, Samara only uses her mind to kill people and drain their life. We also showed that the horror usually stars male antagonists such as Freddy Krueger (Nightmare on Elm Street), Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th) or Michael Myers (Halloween). They are all strong, scary and very intimidating characters, This is a main part of having a male antagonist as there is usually a female protagonist so they seem to be weaker and an underdog in the fight. Other films challenge this stereotype of the male being the antagonist, such as The Ring. In The Ring, the antagonist is a girl called Samara who is portrayed through most of the film as a little girl but when she actually attacks during the film she is a very scary force. This switches the audience to the unfamiliar as they are used to male protagonists.

Friday 10 September 2010

Prelim Task

This is our preliminary task where we created a short film around the simple brief of "The Meeting". We decided to do a short film about a meeting of friends that decide to go and play football. This was a simple and easy idea to carry out but we wanted it to be fast paced so the short film drew the audience in.

Some good points about the Film are as follows:
  • How we matched the shots to be very fluid and consistent with the film. E.g. when we were taking the football shot the kicks and the ball hitting the goal were perfectly matched up.
  • We also made it have a fair amount of comedy in it. This drew the audience in as we seemed like a group of friends just having fun so the audience could connect with that and make a relation to it.
If i was to improve this piece of work i would have;
  • Created a more set script so the narrative was clear and precise.
  • Made the film slightly longer. The film does not describe why the boys are where they are or how they got there. The film does also not explain the reasons of the confrontation.

Wednesday 8 September 2010


We have just been put into our groups for the film campaign assignment. My group is made up from Sayem, Micheal and myself. We each have a wide range of skills to complete this coursework, including creativity, ICT skills, story writing skills and experience with filming. All of these skills are going to be used to their full potential to finish in time for the deadline, 1st december 2010. We shall organize our time accurately to produce this campaign quickly and efficiently. The campagn shall include A film trailer, research and a Magazine.