Wednesday 3 November 2010

Health and Safety

The Health and Safety on set when we film our trailer should be up to legal standards.
In our film we will be using an axe
as a weapon, so we will have to keep to the firearm regulations of HSE standards. We kept to strict guidelines as we needed to take care as the location, props
and actions of our production pose very dangerous risks. We nee
ded to plan the scenes to incredible detail so the actors would not get hurt, we are also using a child as the antagonist, so we need to take extra precaution as to her safety as she would be in the fight scenes and handling the axe.

The forest floor would also be hazardous as the child would be wearing no shoes so we would have to plan out her running route and clear away any potentially hazardous obstacles like rocks or sticks. The hunter would also have to take care of the hazards of the fight scene and being attacked by the axe, we need to make sure he is protected and does not die from the axe blow.

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